Breathwork for Schools

Introduction to breathwork in the classroom

This program is based on scientifically proven techniques to help children regulate emotions, manage stress and anxiety, feel calmer, helping to concentrate and focus in the classroom.

About the Program

Our Introduction to Breathwork in the Classroom program focuses on teaching educators and children to breathe healthily.  Learning to breathe from our diaphragm and through our nose is imperative for good mental and physical health.  This program is easy to learn and implement into daily school life.

What is included in the program?

Introduction to Breathwork in the Classroom is a full-day workshop focusing on the wellness of staff and then how breathwork can be introduced to the classroom. In an airline emergency, we are taught to put our own oxygen mask on first before helping others, and so too with breathwork. If you can be aware of your own breath and how you breathe, you will know how to teach others.

With school membership, you will have access to new resources every week, including downloadable videos, instruction cards, and printable breathwork scripts to be used in the classroom.

The techniques are only 2-5 mins long and are learned easily, giving educators a set of useful tools for their coping toolbox.

Submit an inquiry form for more details and costs.


Enquire today for more information and to receive an information booklet.

Learning breathwork for my son has been really helpful to settle him when he is overwhelmed and needs help to concentrate.  Our whole family uses the techniques Kym teaches every night before bed.  Thanks Kym for teaching us how and when to use breathwork throughout our day.
— Jessica